Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Record Bitch!

Now I'm not sure if there is an official company record/stat for the longest E-brake performed in a rental car. But if there is, I'm pretty sure I just shattered the shit out of it. I'm talking serious business here! I dropped a solid 100 feet of thick blueish smoke accompanied by a death shriek that can only come from tires burning into oblivion. If you were behind me during this, my finest moment, you would have assumed that you were playing a game of Spy Hunter and Tommy Gun would have instinctively popped onto the radio in time for my smoke screen to send you spinning out of control out into the corn fields.

The part that they never told us when we were kids blasting away at that 8-bits of wonder is that a car cannot perform under such duress for any extended amount of time. As soon as I released the E-brake and attempted to continue on my merry little way, the car gave way to shudders that would have woken a coma patient or vibrated a female into a puddle of her own excitement. Sadly the only person getting wet was the crazy used car salesman that I had to purchase a set of used tires off of the next day.

Funny side note: The guy I bought the tires off of was in fact an insane old man that looked and acted like Santa Clause on drugs. At one point I'm standing there watching him change out the tires at a rate of 1 tire per hour (with the aid of me in business casual attire running the air wrench) when a dude that was clearly addicted to meth strolls into the garage...

Methy: What are you going to do with those truck toppers you got in the back.

Santa: I'm going to wait until it gets cold and build a big igloo out of them. Then I'm going to invite all the Eskimos down for a big party. Then we're going to cook a human and eat him as a sacrifice...

Methy: ...

Santa: Are you here to be the sacrifice?

Methy: No

Santa: ...

Methy: ...

Santa: ...

Methy: Are you selling them?

Santa: Ya, $100.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer Time, and the Livin is Icey

There once was a man from Mon-tuckey.

He thought "Icing" people was stunning.

The tables were turned,
and on Gmail he learned:

This "Icing" shit isn't funny!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jesus and Friends

Most of the time when I see a video of myself it is a touch disappointing. I have this image of how I come across to the rest of the world, and videos shatter that illusion. The voice is wrong, comedic timing is off and for some reason the lens seems to diminish my angelic glow that I am rather certain just hovers around me at all times.

Other times a video puts the STAR in "Gangstar as fuck!"

Living in Montana and working near area code 209 is sure paying off.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I recently crossed the finish line of my 27th year on earth (sans the womb).

I now enter my 28th year of life.

28 is a composite number with its proper divisors being 1, 2, 4, 7 and 14. 28 is a perfect number (it is the sum of its divisors [1+2+4+7+14=28]). The last time I was a perfect number I was 6. The next time I'll be a perfect number I'll be 496 years old, and I'll probably be nutrient rich soil by then. That or paved over for a sweet parking lot of a movie theater (or whatever they call it then) that will be showing Final Destination 2505. Holy piss that movie is going to rock.

Time to reflect on a thing or two that has driven me to such a perfect age. I'll spare the details I don't remember and stick to the last decade of life (18-28).

-In the last 10 years, I've managed to cure myself of Catholicism. This is one of the biggest accomplishments of my life, although it wasn't ever a direct motive of mine. Religion and god(s) had always been an easy out. If we don't have an answer, the answer must be god(s). I was soon finding out that there is a very definitive order to my world and beyond. Although I didn't (read: don't) always understand said order, I do know that it exists. Existence is bigger than me. I will never understand it all, but I should never cease to attempt to understand. Lesson: Nothing just is. Nothing is divine.

-In the last ten years I've discovered myself. The first 18 years I was often doing things in order to appease others (parents, friends, teachers, people that wanted to beat my ass, etc). I now have an understanding that "selfishness" is not a bad thing. It can lead to many undesirable consequences when acted upon with short sightedness, but it is also the only thing that makes a person who they are. A robot can perform tasks. Lesson: Be selfish with the wisdom of long term aspirations (read: don't be a dick).

-I started doing jiu jitsu to become a ninja. Sadly, my life as a contractor put the brakes on that idea. About a year ago I took part in a relay race in Seattle in order to be in a van of wild people that are always willing to laugh. The running part was just a thorn on the rose of good times. Since then, I have continued to run and work out. After getting over the "holy piss I'm going to die if I don't get oxygen soon" phase, I found that a routine of increased cardiovascular activity has benefited my life quite dramatically. I have more energy in and out of work. My attitude has improved drastically throughout the course of the day. And the greatest gem of all is that my sexual prowess has gone through the roof. Lesson: A little ninja goes a long way. Don't fall for lethargy.

-I have learned to work out my brain. Every day is a chance to become better. I don't mean this in a "smartest person wins" frame of mind. I mean PMA (positive mental attitude for the noobs). Each day you can work to avoid the emotions that release negative chemicals into the brain (fear, jealousy, anger, etc) and replace them with endorphin releasing emotions (laughter, accomplishment, sense of pride, friendship, etc). I've learned to practice logic and reason. To not jump on the first emotional impulse my brain fires at me (sentence fragment). We were all born with a set of "go to" reactions. With a little bit of practice each day, I can become the person I want to be, not the person I'm just going to default to. Lesson: Strive to be exceptional, not exceptionally right.

-In the last decade, I had sex with 5 different decades of women (teen, 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's). Lesson: No lesson really, just bragging. Wait...not sure if that is brag worthy. I guess it is just an exercise in PMA. Tsaoism for life!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Presidential MC

I shall go by the name of Alexander "Got Kicked Out of.." Hamilton.

I was never naked in a drug manufacturing clean room.


I'm in love with a girl named Fred,
she lives out on the street;
she eats straight from the garbage can,
but dates are pretty cheap!

"F" to the "R" to the "E" to the "D", F-R-E-D FRED!

I'm in love with a girl named Fred,
she suffers from turrets;
she's cute as hell and sweet as a bell,
and nev...ASS CUNT!!!

"F" to the "R" to the "E" to the "D", F-R-E-D FRED!

I'm in love with a girl named Fred,
and she's a Siamese twin;
together they make one good whore,
double A to double M!

"F" to the "R" to the "E" to the "D", F-R-E-D FRED!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ping Pong Bowling

I'm a master of basement games.

I have not clue why that last pin stayed up.

Now they just quake in fear at the sheer sight of me.

Kevin: 1
Cans: 0